Hot-fix Scheduled for June 18th at 3PM PDT (10PM UTC)

by Alexander Garden in [ Announcements ] on, Jun 18, 2015 12:00 AM UTC 23  comments
Greetings MechWarriors,

We will be rolling out a hot-fix on Thursday June 18th, tentatively scheduled for 3:00 PM PDT (10 PM UTC), with the following changes:

Ebon Jaguar: Fixed an issue where the Cockpit Glass toggle was not functioning

Executioner: Center Torso hit-box in the pelvic area has been shrunk
  • The Left and Right Torso hit-boxes now take up a larger portion of the pelvic plate
Executioner: Center Torso hit-box in the chest area has been reduced significantly when seen from the sides
  • These side chest areas will now register as Left or Right Torso

The estimated downtime required for this hot-fix will be approximately 30 minutes.

When services are restored you will be required to apply a small patch.